Saturday, October 13, 2012

Voters for Jesus! A Progressive Christian Revolution!

(Thank you to Dale Harris for the following submission:)

Progressive Christian Revival:
WIN Rural God and Country Farm Voters for MEGA Landslide!
We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years!!!

FREE Class at:
FREE to Download, Copy, and Distribute to Other Members!
Use public showings to recruit voters to join your local chapter!

FREE membership recruitment and Voter Canvas material.
FREE Flyer: 50 Million USA JOBS in 2 Years!
FREE Flyer: End of Days Christian Revival: Back to Jesus
FREE Flyer: TRUE Christians Vote Progressive
The War Against God, America, Jobs, and Women.

IF we PROVE Doctrines of Men Republicans are AT WAR
with the poor, middle class, and women,
THEN we turn out the Progressive voting base for victory.
AND IF we PROVE Job Off shoring Republicans are AT WAR
with USA jobs, workers, small businesses, and America,
THEN we WIN the independent vote for a landslide victory.
BUT IF we PROVE Religion of Money Republicans are AT WAR
with God, Farmers, and working class men,
THEN we WIN the Republican Voting Base
and have a MEGA Landslide victory.

Romney = R money = Religion of Money
Jesus said: You cannot serve both God and Money!
Religion of Money Republicans reject the commands of Jesus,
regarding the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor!

We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years
1) we have a MEGA Landslide victory,
2) we end the Senate Filibuster (Norman Goldman), AND
3) we recruit tens of millions to join Progressive Organizations.

America can be SAVED through Grass Roots Recruitment,
to add TENS of MILLIONS to Progressive Organizations!
SAVE America by recruiting more members!

Long Term Goal: Recruit tens of millions to JOIN:
1) Progressive Christian Movement - Key Voting Block
2) Progressive Farmers Movement - Key Voting Block
3) Progressive Pro-USA Jobs Movement - Key Voting Block
4) National Progressive Movement: God and Country Farmers.

Short Term Goal: MEGA Landslide Victory in THIS Election.
For a MEGA Landslide Victory, we must do MORE than:
- turn out OUR base in large numbers.
- win independent voters in large numbers.
We must also:
- take the Republican voting base away from Republicans.
- give the Republican voting base to Progressives!

We can win the vast majority of the God and Country Farm Vote
and the USA Jobs Vote by doing the following:
- Have a CHRISTIAN REVIVAL to follow Jesus Christ.
- PROVE Corporate Republicans are Anti-USA Economic Traitors
- PROVE Progressives can create 25 to 50 Million USA jobs.
- PROVE Progressives will SAVE the family farm.

We must target EACH of these groups very effectively!

Christian Vote:
I ask Progressive Christian Organizations, Progressive Churches, and the Occupy Movement to work together to have massive public End of Days Christian Revival Meetings, perhaps with tents in rural battle ground states with occupy movement members attending. The Progressive Media must cover these Progressive Christian End of Days Revival Meetings, where Progressive Christians will lead the nation to pray for raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Spending to end almost all unemployment in America. The goal is to teach people to return to following Jesus Christ, the doctrines of God, and serving God, rather than following Church leaders, the doctrines of men, and serving Money interests. TRUE Christian values are the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ, namely the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor. We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return churches to the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ. A suggested Radio Ad is the following: (listen to it at my web page)

We need an End of Days Christian Revival in America to teach Christians to follow the doctrines of JESUS, NOT the doctrines of men, who are servants of money! Jesus taught compassion for the poor and the rich paying taxes to provide for the poor. Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is a baby. TRUE Christians vote Progressive.

Voters for Jesus dot com. Will the Anti-Christ rule America? Are you a follower of Christianity and the doctrines of Jesus, or a follower of Churchanity and the doctrines of men? False Pastors serve money, not God. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. TRUE Christians demand raising taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million USA jobs and to irrigate family farms. If Republicans steal the election with their voter ID laws, then America will be an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. Voters for Jesus dot com

USA-Vote and Jobs Vote:
I ask Labor Unions and Progressive Organizations to educate voters to the facts that:
- EVERY Republican economic policy DESTROYS USA jobs.
- EVERY Progressive economic policy CREATS USA jobs.
- Obama SUCCEEDED at creating SOME jobs.
- Corporate Republicans BLOCKED the creation of
TENS of MILLIONS of more jobs!
Educate voters to the facts that Republicans are LIARS,
who claim to care about America while stabbing America in the back!

Did you know that 25 million USA jobs were off shored and destroyed by Anti-USA Republican Free Trade? Progressives would have created 25 million additional USA jobs through massive job creating government spending, but Anti-USA Republicans blocked it .Republicans are LIARS who chant USA, USA, USA, while stabbing the USA in the back with a Made In China dagger. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, elect Pro-USA Progressives, and end the Senate Filibuster. Voters For Jesus dot Com, Voters For Jesus dot Com.

FARM Vote:
I ask Family Farm Organizations and Progressive Organizations
to work together to promote a National Water Irrigation Project
to assure family farms will have water, even when there is a drought.
Also, educate farm voters that only Progressives are willing to raise taxes
on the Super Rich to finance irrigation on the national and local level.

Republican Oil caused the Global Warming Drought. If we can Bail Out Wall Street Republicans that off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs, then we can tax Wall Street Republicans to irrigate and save family farms. True Christian Values are the values taught by Jesus, not the false doctrines of men who are servants of money. Jesus commands that the rich pay taxes and provide for the poor. Jesus would raise taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million jobs for the poor and to irrigate drought stricken family farms. Followers of TRUE Christian Values Vote Progressive.
Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com

For more ideas, go to the web pages: