Sunday, December 2, 2012
The New Reformation
More from Dale Harris:
Critical Advice to women and workers:
We can save Americans from unemployment and poverty by ending almost all unemployment in America. We can save women from being sex slaves who are forced by male church leaders to have the babies of rapists. We can end most human suffering, such as: violence, rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, slavery, disease, disaster, and other forms of suffering. How can we do that?
IF we start a New Christian Reformation Movement, THEN the Christian Vote will move from the Religion of Money Corporate Republicans to True Christian Progressive Democrats, and thus the alliance of women, workers, and progressives will have Mega Landslide Victories. That will give us the political power to tax the Super Rich and low wage factory imports to finance massive job creating government spending and to take back off shored factory jobs. And it will give us the political power to pass laws to protect women's bodies from being ruled over by male church leaders.
Violence, rape, and murder can be ended by teaching a Spiritual Psychology class that is designed to end the cause, based on the discoveries of Dale Lee Harris. Other forms of human suffering can be ended by teaching a Voters Training Class, so that voters will vote for and demand the social changes needed to end most human suffering.
FREE Download of a Voters Training Class!
If you want to know how to SAVE THE WORLD from a great deal of human suffering, then read the web page.
Read the sections and ideas:
►Copyright notices
►What are the Qualifications of Dale Lee Harris?
►Do you want to be Free and Happy?
►Sentence: IF all people ... THEN rape would no longer exist!
►Do Pro Life Christians Worship God in Vain? ((* Key Arguments *))
►Can Economic Democracy End All Unemployment?
►A New Christian Reformation Movement
Critical Advice to women and workers:
We can save Americans from unemployment and poverty by ending almost all unemployment in America. We can save women from being sex slaves who are forced by male church leaders to have the babies of rapists. We can end most human suffering, such as: violence, rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, slavery, disease, disaster, and other forms of suffering. How can we do that?
IF we start a New Christian Reformation Movement, THEN the Christian Vote will move from the Religion of Money Corporate Republicans to True Christian Progressive Democrats, and thus the alliance of women, workers, and progressives will have Mega Landslide Victories. That will give us the political power to tax the Super Rich and low wage factory imports to finance massive job creating government spending and to take back off shored factory jobs. And it will give us the political power to pass laws to protect women's bodies from being ruled over by male church leaders.
Violence, rape, and murder can be ended by teaching a Spiritual Psychology class that is designed to end the cause, based on the discoveries of Dale Lee Harris. Other forms of human suffering can be ended by teaching a Voters Training Class, so that voters will vote for and demand the social changes needed to end most human suffering.
FREE Download of a Voters Training Class!
If you want to know how to SAVE THE WORLD from a great deal of human suffering, then read the web page.
Read the sections and ideas:
►Copyright notices
►What are the Qualifications of Dale Lee Harris?
►Do you want to be Free and Happy?
►Sentence: IF all people ... THEN rape would no longer exist!
►Do Pro Life Christians Worship God in Vain? ((* Key Arguments *))
►Can Economic Democracy End All Unemployment?
►A New Christian Reformation Movement
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Progressive Christian Voting and Abortion.
Submitted by Voters For Jesus at
Feminist Theology can save women from the Republican plan to make women slaves who are forced to have the babies of rapists. To have a large landslide victory for women, we must do more than turn out the base and win independent women. We must also convert women who are brainwashed by Patriarchal Male Rule Pastors into voting for the slavery of women. The only way to reach and convert those women, is to appeal to them on the bases of what they value the most, namely Holy Bible verses, to prove to them that the those Doctrines of Men are FALSE doctrines that reject the values taught by Jesus Christ. I believe the best way to do that is with Radio Ads to rural farm country with strong theological arguments. I believe that can turn a victory into a landslide victory so that far more can be done to save women from slavery! Hopefully, Women's Groups and Progressives Christians can work together to get this message out to key battle ground states. In farm country run the follow Radio/TV Ad:
TRUE Christians values are the commands of Jesus Christ,
NOT the doctrines of MEN who serve money rather than God.
Jesus taught in Mark 12:13-17 that the rich should pay taxes.
Jesus taught in Luke 18:22-25 that the rich should provide for the poor.
Religion of Money Republicans reject the values of Jesus Christ.
Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is the same thing as a baby!
That is the FALSE doctrines of MEN. Jesus said: "in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commands of men" Mark 7:7.
We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return to the values of Jesus,
namely compassion for the poor. Matthew 25:31-46.
Republicans want to cut food stamps and blocked Farm Aid.
VOTE for the values of Jesus Christ. Elect Democrats.
Dale Harris
author/inventor of Self Transformation Psychology
POST NOTE by Aerik Vondenburg:
As a Christian, I advocate for responsibility. However, what the pro-life conservatives are not taking into account is that there are also accounts in the Bible of Jehovah ordering the deaths of small children and babies. (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9, etc. ). I certainly do not like abortion, but a little accuracy on the part of conservative Christians would be appropriate.
Feminist Theology can save women from the Republican plan to make women slaves who are forced to have the babies of rapists. To have a large landslide victory for women, we must do more than turn out the base and win independent women. We must also convert women who are brainwashed by Patriarchal Male Rule Pastors into voting for the slavery of women. The only way to reach and convert those women, is to appeal to them on the bases of what they value the most, namely Holy Bible verses, to prove to them that the those Doctrines of Men are FALSE doctrines that reject the values taught by Jesus Christ. I believe the best way to do that is with Radio Ads to rural farm country with strong theological arguments. I believe that can turn a victory into a landslide victory so that far more can be done to save women from slavery! Hopefully, Women's Groups and Progressives Christians can work together to get this message out to key battle ground states. In farm country run the follow Radio/TV Ad:
TRUE Christians values are the commands of Jesus Christ,
NOT the doctrines of MEN who serve money rather than God.
Jesus taught in Mark 12:13-17 that the rich should pay taxes.
Jesus taught in Luke 18:22-25 that the rich should provide for the poor.
Religion of Money Republicans reject the values of Jesus Christ.
Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is the same thing as a baby!
That is the FALSE doctrines of MEN. Jesus said: "in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commands of men" Mark 7:7.
We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return to the values of Jesus,
namely compassion for the poor. Matthew 25:31-46.
Republicans want to cut food stamps and blocked Farm Aid.
VOTE for the values of Jesus Christ. Elect Democrats.
Dale Harris
author/inventor of Self Transformation Psychology
POST NOTE by Aerik Vondenburg:
As a Christian, I advocate for responsibility. However, what the pro-life conservatives are not taking into account is that there are also accounts in the Bible of Jehovah ordering the deaths of small children and babies. (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9, etc. ). I certainly do not like abortion, but a little accuracy on the part of conservative Christians would be appropriate.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Voters for Jesus! A Progressive Christian Revolution!
(Thank you to Dale Harris for the following submission:)
Progressive Christian Revival:
WIN Rural God and Country Farm Voters for MEGA Landslide!
We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years!!!
FREE Class at:
FREE to Download, Copy, and Distribute to Other Members!
Use public showings to recruit voters to join your local chapter!
FREE membership recruitment and Voter Canvas material.
FREE Flyer: 50 Million USA JOBS in 2 Years!
FREE Flyer: End of Days Christian Revival: Back to Jesus
FREE Flyer: TRUE Christians Vote Progressive
The War Against God, America, Jobs, and Women.
IF we PROVE Doctrines of Men Republicans are AT WAR
with the poor, middle class, and women,
THEN we turn out the Progressive voting base for victory.
AND IF we PROVE Job Off shoring Republicans are AT WAR
with USA jobs, workers, small businesses, and America,
THEN we WIN the independent vote for a landslide victory.
BUT IF we PROVE Religion of Money Republicans are AT WAR
with God, Farmers, and working class men,
THEN we WIN the Republican Voting Base
and have a MEGA Landslide victory.
Romney = R money = Religion of Money
Jesus said: You cannot serve both God and Money!
Religion of Money Republicans reject the commands of Jesus,
regarding the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor!
We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years
1) we have a MEGA Landslide victory,
2) we end the Senate Filibuster (Norman Goldman), AND
3) we recruit tens of millions to join Progressive Organizations.
America can be SAVED through Grass Roots Recruitment,
to add TENS of MILLIONS to Progressive Organizations!
SAVE America by recruiting more members!
Long Term Goal: Recruit tens of millions to JOIN:
1) Progressive Christian Movement - Key Voting Block
2) Progressive Farmers Movement - Key Voting Block
3) Progressive Pro-USA Jobs Movement - Key Voting Block
4) National Progressive Movement: God and Country Farmers.
Short Term Goal: MEGA Landslide Victory in THIS Election.
For a MEGA Landslide Victory, we must do MORE than:
- turn out OUR base in large numbers.
- win independent voters in large numbers.
We must also:
- take the Republican voting base away from Republicans.
- give the Republican voting base to Progressives!
We can win the vast majority of the God and Country Farm Vote
and the USA Jobs Vote by doing the following:
- Have a CHRISTIAN REVIVAL to follow Jesus Christ.
- PROVE Corporate Republicans are Anti-USA Economic Traitors
- PROVE Progressives can create 25 to 50 Million USA jobs.
- PROVE Progressives will SAVE the family farm.
We must target EACH of these groups very effectively!
Christian Vote:
I ask Progressive Christian Organizations, Progressive Churches, and the Occupy Movement to work together to have massive public End of Days Christian Revival Meetings, perhaps with tents in rural battle ground states with occupy movement members attending. The Progressive Media must cover these Progressive Christian End of Days Revival Meetings, where Progressive Christians will lead the nation to pray for raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Spending to end almost all unemployment in America. The goal is to teach people to return to following Jesus Christ, the doctrines of God, and serving God, rather than following Church leaders, the doctrines of men, and serving Money interests. TRUE Christian values are the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ, namely the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor. We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return churches to the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ. A suggested Radio Ad is the following: (listen to it at my web page)
We need an End of Days Christian Revival in America to teach Christians to follow the doctrines of JESUS, NOT the doctrines of men, who are servants of money! Jesus taught compassion for the poor and the rich paying taxes to provide for the poor. Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is a baby. TRUE Christians vote Progressive.
Voters for Jesus dot com. Will the Anti-Christ rule America? Are you a follower of Christianity and the doctrines of Jesus, or a follower of Churchanity and the doctrines of men? False Pastors serve money, not God. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. TRUE Christians demand raising taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million USA jobs and to irrigate family farms. If Republicans steal the election with their voter ID laws, then America will be an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. Voters for Jesus dot com
USA-Vote and Jobs Vote:
I ask Labor Unions and Progressive Organizations to educate voters to the facts that:
- EVERY Republican economic policy DESTROYS USA jobs.
- EVERY Progressive economic policy CREATS USA jobs.
- Obama SUCCEEDED at creating SOME jobs.
- Corporate Republicans BLOCKED the creation of
TENS of MILLIONS of more jobs!
Educate voters to the facts that Republicans are LIARS,
who claim to care about America while stabbing America in the back!
Did you know that 25 million USA jobs were off shored and destroyed by Anti-USA Republican Free Trade? Progressives would have created 25 million additional USA jobs through massive job creating government spending, but Anti-USA Republicans blocked it .Republicans are LIARS who chant USA, USA, USA, while stabbing the USA in the back with a Made In China dagger. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, elect Pro-USA Progressives, and end the Senate Filibuster. Voters For Jesus dot Com, Voters For Jesus dot Com.
FARM Vote:
I ask Family Farm Organizations and Progressive Organizations
to work together to promote a National Water Irrigation Project
to assure family farms will have water, even when there is a drought.
Also, educate farm voters that only Progressives are willing to raise taxes
on the Super Rich to finance irrigation on the national and local level.
Republican Oil caused the Global Warming Drought. If we can Bail Out Wall Street Republicans that off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs, then we can tax Wall Street Republicans to irrigate and save family farms. True Christian Values are the values taught by Jesus, not the false doctrines of men who are servants of money. Jesus commands that the rich pay taxes and provide for the poor. Jesus would raise taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million jobs for the poor and to irrigate drought stricken family farms. Followers of TRUE Christian Values Vote Progressive.
Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com
For more ideas, go to the web pages:
Progressive Christian Revival:
WIN Rural God and Country Farm Voters for MEGA Landslide!
We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years!!!
FREE Class at:
FREE to Download, Copy, and Distribute to Other Members!
Use public showings to recruit voters to join your local chapter!
FREE membership recruitment and Voter Canvas material.
FREE Flyer: 50 Million USA JOBS in 2 Years!
FREE Flyer: End of Days Christian Revival: Back to Jesus
FREE Flyer: TRUE Christians Vote Progressive
The War Against God, America, Jobs, and Women.
IF we PROVE Doctrines of Men Republicans are AT WAR
with the poor, middle class, and women,
THEN we turn out the Progressive voting base for victory.
AND IF we PROVE Job Off shoring Republicans are AT WAR
with USA jobs, workers, small businesses, and America,
THEN we WIN the independent vote for a landslide victory.
BUT IF we PROVE Religion of Money Republicans are AT WAR
with God, Farmers, and working class men,
THEN we WIN the Republican Voting Base
and have a MEGA Landslide victory.
Romney = R money = Religion of Money
Jesus said: You cannot serve both God and Money!
Religion of Money Republicans reject the commands of Jesus,
regarding the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor!
We can add FIFTY MILLION USA Jobs in TWO years
1) we have a MEGA Landslide victory,
2) we end the Senate Filibuster (Norman Goldman), AND
3) we recruit tens of millions to join Progressive Organizations.
America can be SAVED through Grass Roots Recruitment,
to add TENS of MILLIONS to Progressive Organizations!
SAVE America by recruiting more members!
Long Term Goal: Recruit tens of millions to JOIN:
1) Progressive Christian Movement - Key Voting Block
2) Progressive Farmers Movement - Key Voting Block
3) Progressive Pro-USA Jobs Movement - Key Voting Block
4) National Progressive Movement: God and Country Farmers.
Short Term Goal: MEGA Landslide Victory in THIS Election.
For a MEGA Landslide Victory, we must do MORE than:
- turn out OUR base in large numbers.
- win independent voters in large numbers.
We must also:
- take the Republican voting base away from Republicans.
- give the Republican voting base to Progressives!
We can win the vast majority of the God and Country Farm Vote
and the USA Jobs Vote by doing the following:
- Have a CHRISTIAN REVIVAL to follow Jesus Christ.
- PROVE Corporate Republicans are Anti-USA Economic Traitors
- PROVE Progressives can create 25 to 50 Million USA jobs.
- PROVE Progressives will SAVE the family farm.
We must target EACH of these groups very effectively!
Christian Vote:
I ask Progressive Christian Organizations, Progressive Churches, and the Occupy Movement to work together to have massive public End of Days Christian Revival Meetings, perhaps with tents in rural battle ground states with occupy movement members attending. The Progressive Media must cover these Progressive Christian End of Days Revival Meetings, where Progressive Christians will lead the nation to pray for raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Spending to end almost all unemployment in America. The goal is to teach people to return to following Jesus Christ, the doctrines of God, and serving God, rather than following Church leaders, the doctrines of men, and serving Money interests. TRUE Christian values are the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ, namely the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor. We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return churches to the PROGRESSIVE Values taught by Jesus Christ. A suggested Radio Ad is the following: (listen to it at my web page)
We need an End of Days Christian Revival in America to teach Christians to follow the doctrines of JESUS, NOT the doctrines of men, who are servants of money! Jesus taught compassion for the poor and the rich paying taxes to provide for the poor. Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is a baby. TRUE Christians vote Progressive.
Voters for Jesus dot com. Will the Anti-Christ rule America? Are you a follower of Christianity and the doctrines of Jesus, or a follower of Churchanity and the doctrines of men? False Pastors serve money, not God. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. TRUE Christians demand raising taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million USA jobs and to irrigate family farms. If Republicans steal the election with their voter ID laws, then America will be an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. Voters for Jesus dot com
USA-Vote and Jobs Vote:
I ask Labor Unions and Progressive Organizations to educate voters to the facts that:
- EVERY Republican economic policy DESTROYS USA jobs.
- EVERY Progressive economic policy CREATS USA jobs.
- Obama SUCCEEDED at creating SOME jobs.
- Corporate Republicans BLOCKED the creation of
TENS of MILLIONS of more jobs!
Educate voters to the facts that Republicans are LIARS,
who claim to care about America while stabbing America in the back!
Did you know that 25 million USA jobs were off shored and destroyed by Anti-USA Republican Free Trade? Progressives would have created 25 million additional USA jobs through massive job creating government spending, but Anti-USA Republicans blocked it .Republicans are LIARS who chant USA, USA, USA, while stabbing the USA in the back with a Made In China dagger. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, elect Pro-USA Progressives, and end the Senate Filibuster. Voters For Jesus dot Com, Voters For Jesus dot Com.
FARM Vote:
I ask Family Farm Organizations and Progressive Organizations
to work together to promote a National Water Irrigation Project
to assure family farms will have water, even when there is a drought.
Also, educate farm voters that only Progressives are willing to raise taxes
on the Super Rich to finance irrigation on the national and local level.
Republican Oil caused the Global Warming Drought. If we can Bail Out Wall Street Republicans that off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs, then we can tax Wall Street Republicans to irrigate and save family farms. True Christian Values are the values taught by Jesus, not the false doctrines of men who are servants of money. Jesus commands that the rich pay taxes and provide for the poor. Jesus would raise taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million jobs for the poor and to irrigate drought stricken family farms. Followers of TRUE Christian Values Vote Progressive.
Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com
For more ideas, go to the web pages:
Saturday, September 22, 2012
And the Progressive Christian endorsement goes to . . .
BARACK OBAMA! A list of his accomplishments:
•Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
•Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
•Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
•Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
•Invested in clean energy.
•Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly.
•Passed Wall Street Reform (Dodd-Frank bill) that regulates the financial sector.
•He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
•He's done a lot for veterans
•He's killed Osama Bin Laden
•Eliminated several other Al-Qaeda leaders.
It is important to note that he could have done alot more (especially in job creation) if Republicans had not filibustered everything that he tried to do.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Mitt Romney Is Not An Honest and Compassionate Man
For Mitt Romney, telling the truth is a problem.
He said that “Obama has made the recession worse.” He has lied about the tax rate he pays. (now claiming its 13% when before he said that it was 45% to 50%) He has claimed that Obama has declared a war on religion. He said that Obama has eliminated the work requirement from welfare. He claims that "Obamacare took $500 billion out of Medicare to fund Obamacare (i.e. Romneycare)." He accused the Obama of "disenfranchising military voters" All of these claims have been debunked by fact checkers (like Politifact.)
If Romney wants to portray himself as a conservative, then perhaps he should take what Jesus said into account: And Jesus said, “You shall not bear false witness.” Matthew 19.18 Also, Romney told CNN “I’m not concerned about the very poor.” Here is what the Bible says about helping the poor: "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise." Luke 3:10-11 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Luke 18:22 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." Luke 12:33.
Mitt Romney is the richest man to ever run for the office of president. Here is what Jesus said about "vulture capitalists" like Mitt Romney: And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”Matthew 19.23.
As a recent Obama ad declares: Mitt Romney is not the solution, he is the problem.
He said that “Obama has made the recession worse.” He has lied about the tax rate he pays. (now claiming its 13% when before he said that it was 45% to 50%) He has claimed that Obama has declared a war on religion. He said that Obama has eliminated the work requirement from welfare. He claims that "Obamacare took $500 billion out of Medicare to fund Obamacare (i.e. Romneycare)." He accused the Obama of "disenfranchising military voters" All of these claims have been debunked by fact checkers (like Politifact.)
If Romney wants to portray himself as a conservative, then perhaps he should take what Jesus said into account: And Jesus said, “You shall not bear false witness.” Matthew 19.18 Also, Romney told CNN “I’m not concerned about the very poor.” Here is what the Bible says about helping the poor: "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise." Luke 3:10-11 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Luke 18:22 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." Luke 12:33.
Mitt Romney is the richest man to ever run for the office of president. Here is what Jesus said about "vulture capitalists" like Mitt Romney: And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”Matthew 19.23.
As a recent Obama ad declares: Mitt Romney is not the solution, he is the problem.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Genesis of Revelation update
Actual physical copies of The Genesis of Revelation will be available on Amazon and possibly Barns and Noble soon. Just working out all of the details.
It will be enlightening. I promise.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Healing Power of Music
Music is a good way to take a time out and to distance oneself from the craziness of the world.
Found this on YouTube and thought it was worth sharing. Its a band called Gregorian. They sing in traditional christian gregorian chant style, but to pop songs. This one is their version of the Duran Duran song "Ordinary World."
Racists calling themselves "Christians."
A group of pastors in Alabama says that they are not racist even though only “white Christians” were invited to their “Annual Pastors Conference."
I think I can speak for all real Christians when I say that we rebuke these KKK members who masquerade as followers of the Christ.
This situation brings to mind the following verse:
"They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."
- Jesus. Mark 7.7
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The New Age is not Evil.
A friend once told me that when she was young her father would not let her read New Age books because the New Age movement was not Christian. Her father believed that it was related to sorcery, false-gods, and the antichrist.
However, what the conservative fundamentalists are neglecting to take into account is that Jesus said that we shall know the imposters by their fruit. The fruit of the New Age movement are peace, love, and enlightenment; which are the very same principles that Jesus himself sought to bring to this world.
In other words, there simply is no Biblical precedent to be so close minded.
Monday, May 7, 2012
New Book News
New Cover for my book. Also, most - if not all - of the formatting issues for the ebook version appears to have been corrected. The soft-cover version is in the works.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Celebrate Diversity
I once heard a conservative fundamentalist televangelist preacher complaining about "tolerance."
I would say to him if I had the chance: Has not God created a wonderful world that is filled with diversity? If God created diversity then should it not be respected? Celebrate diversity!
I would say to him if I had the chance: Has not God created a wonderful world that is filled with diversity? If God created diversity then should it not be respected? Celebrate diversity!
My Book is Now Available on Barnes & Noble For Your Nook E-Reader
Secrets of the Bible and Judeo-Christianity revealed!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Spotlight on Matthew Fox, A Progressive Christian Hero
Matthew Fox, is a progressive Christian priest author and theologian.
Among Fox’s most controversial teachings was a belief in "original blessing", which became the title of one of his most popular books. The concept was in direct contravention to the Roman Catholic doctrine that people are born into "original sin". Fox’s teachings also were considered more feminist and ecology-centered, and more accepting of homosexuality than church orthodoxy.
In 1988, Fox wrote a public letter to Cardinal Ratzinger entitled "Is the Catholic Church Today a Dysfunctional Family", which was subsequently widely disseminated by the National Catholic Reporter. Soon after, Cardinal Ratzinger issued an order forbidding Fox to teach or lecture for a year.
In 1993, Fox’s conflicts with Catholic authorities climaxed with his expulsion from the Dominican order for "disobedience", effectively ending his professional relationship with the church and his teaching at its universities. Cardinal Ratzinger ordered the expulsion after Fox refused to respond to a summons to discuss his writings with his superiors in the Roman Catholic Church.
In 2005, while preparing for a presentation in Germany and following the naming of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, Fox created 95 Theses that he then translated into German. On the weekend of Pentecost, arrangements were made for him to nail these to the door of the Wittenberg church where Martin Luther nailed the original 95 Theses in the 16th century, the act credited as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
In his theses, Fox called for a new reformation in Western Christianity. In his supporting book, A New Reformation, Fox argued that two Christianities already exist and it is time for a new reformation to acknowledge that fact and move the Western spiritual tradition into new directions.
In 1996, Fox founded the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, an outgrowth of his institutes at Mundelein and Holy Names
Fox’s conception of Creation Spirituality drew on both a close reading of early and medieval mystics within Catholic traditions as well as ecstatic and spiritual practices from numerous other faiths around the world, in an approach Fox called “deep ecumenism” for its connections across many spiritual practices. This was described most particularly in his book One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from Global Faith.
Creation Spirituality considers itself a “green” theology, emphasizing a holy relationship between Man and nature.
Fox led the University of Creation Spirituality for nine years, then was succeeded as president by James Garrison in 2005. The institution was subsequently renamed Wisdom University
Since leaving the university, Fox has continued to lecture, write and publish books. In 2005, he founded an educational organization called Youth and Elder Learning Laboratory for Ancestral Wisdom Education (YELLAWE). The YELLAWE program is based on a holistic approach to education and creativity derived from Fox’s master’s level programs. It also includes physical training in bodily meditation practices such as tai chi. YELLAWE has operated in inner-city school systems in Oakland and Chicago and, as of late 2010, had announced plans to expand to school systems in Hawaii and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Among Fox’s most controversial teachings was a belief in "original blessing", which became the title of one of his most popular books. The concept was in direct contravention to the Roman Catholic doctrine that people are born into "original sin". Fox’s teachings also were considered more feminist and ecology-centered, and more accepting of homosexuality than church orthodoxy.
In 1988, Fox wrote a public letter to Cardinal Ratzinger entitled "Is the Catholic Church Today a Dysfunctional Family", which was subsequently widely disseminated by the National Catholic Reporter. Soon after, Cardinal Ratzinger issued an order forbidding Fox to teach or lecture for a year.
In 1993, Fox’s conflicts with Catholic authorities climaxed with his expulsion from the Dominican order for "disobedience", effectively ending his professional relationship with the church and his teaching at its universities. Cardinal Ratzinger ordered the expulsion after Fox refused to respond to a summons to discuss his writings with his superiors in the Roman Catholic Church.
In 2005, while preparing for a presentation in Germany and following the naming of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, Fox created 95 Theses that he then translated into German. On the weekend of Pentecost, arrangements were made for him to nail these to the door of the Wittenberg church where Martin Luther nailed the original 95 Theses in the 16th century, the act credited as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
In his theses, Fox called for a new reformation in Western Christianity. In his supporting book, A New Reformation, Fox argued that two Christianities already exist and it is time for a new reformation to acknowledge that fact and move the Western spiritual tradition into new directions.
In 1996, Fox founded the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, an outgrowth of his institutes at Mundelein and Holy Names
Fox’s conception of Creation Spirituality drew on both a close reading of early and medieval mystics within Catholic traditions as well as ecstatic and spiritual practices from numerous other faiths around the world, in an approach Fox called “deep ecumenism” for its connections across many spiritual practices. This was described most particularly in his book One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from Global Faith.
Creation Spirituality considers itself a “green” theology, emphasizing a holy relationship between Man and nature.
Fox led the University of Creation Spirituality for nine years, then was succeeded as president by James Garrison in 2005. The institution was subsequently renamed Wisdom University
Since leaving the university, Fox has continued to lecture, write and publish books. In 2005, he founded an educational organization called Youth and Elder Learning Laboratory for Ancestral Wisdom Education (YELLAWE). The YELLAWE program is based on a holistic approach to education and creativity derived from Fox’s master’s level programs. It also includes physical training in bodily meditation practices such as tai chi. YELLAWE has operated in inner-city school systems in Oakland and Chicago and, as of late 2010, had announced plans to expand to school systems in Hawaii and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
The Golden Calf and the Wall Street Bull
"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. -Luke 12.15.
Truly, I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 19:23.
You cannot serve both God and Money. -Matthew 6:24.
People who are in need of assistance are not "parasites." After-all,not everyone is cut out to be a CEO of a profitable corporation.
Truly, I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 19:23.
You cannot serve both God and Money. -Matthew 6:24.
People who are in need of assistance are not "parasites." After-all,not everyone is cut out to be a CEO of a profitable corporation.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Healthcare Should Be Available For All
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act (i.e. "Obamacare") like to cite polls that show a majority of the American people are against it. But what they are not taking into account is that many are against it is because so-called Obamacare does not go far enough! What we progressives wanted was Universal Medicare for all! America is the only first world country in the world that has such a cold-hearted system. This fight should not be over.
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