Submitted by Voters For Jesus at
Feminist Theology can save women from the Republican plan to make women slaves who are forced to have the babies of rapists. To have a large landslide victory for women, we must do more than turn out the base and win independent women. We must also convert women who are brainwashed by Patriarchal Male Rule Pastors into voting for the slavery of women. The only way to reach and convert those women, is to appeal to them on the bases of what they value the most, namely Holy Bible verses, to prove to them that the those Doctrines of Men are FALSE doctrines that reject the values taught by Jesus Christ. I believe the best way to do that is with Radio Ads to rural farm country with strong theological arguments. I believe that can turn a victory into a landslide victory so that far more can be done to save women from slavery! Hopefully, Women's Groups and Progressives Christians can work together to get this message out to key battle ground states. In farm country run the follow Radio/TV Ad:
TRUE Christians values are the commands of Jesus Christ,
NOT the doctrines of MEN who serve money rather than God.
Jesus taught in Mark 12:13-17 that the rich should pay taxes.
Jesus taught in Luke 18:22-25 that the rich should provide for the poor.
Religion of Money Republicans reject the values of Jesus Christ.
Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is the same thing as a baby!
That is the FALSE doctrines of MEN. Jesus said: "in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commands of men" Mark 7:7.
We need an End of Days Christian Revival to return to the values of Jesus,
namely compassion for the poor. Matthew 25:31-46.
Republicans want to cut food stamps and blocked Farm Aid.
VOTE for the values of Jesus Christ. Elect Democrats.
Dale Harris
author/inventor of Self Transformation Psychology
POST NOTE by Aerik Vondenburg:
As a Christian, I advocate for responsibility. However, what the pro-life conservatives are not taking into account is that there are also accounts in the Bible of Jehovah ordering the deaths of small children and babies. (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9, etc. ). I certainly do not like abortion, but a little accuracy on the part of conservative Christians would be appropriate.
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